Turn this:

into this:

These magazine magnet paper dolls look like fun. I found them here via here. All you need are some magazines, sheets sticky-backed magnet paper, and scissors.
Disney from Ruffles and Stuff also suggests cutting out phrases or letters in funky colors and fonts to add a little spice for all those fridge magnet poets out there. She also suggested making a puzzle out of a magazine picture and the magnet paper.
Don't you think this could be fun for anyone? I think I would like playing too. Ask around for old magazines if you need them (don't buy them!) and use a coupon at the craft store when buying your magnet sheets.
And you could easily make it into a fun idea for boys...monsters, soldiers, robots etc.

Thank you for the link! I love the idea of a blog for people who don't want to spend a lot! I think we could all probably use that these days!